Rental Criteria
Thank you for reaching out for more information about our rental units. Before we touch base we wanted to outline a few of the basic rental requirements.
Income Requirement
Your gross monthly income must be at least 3 (Three) times the monthly rent. For example – $1,000.00 a month unit requires an income of $3,000.00. We will require proof of income.
Application Fee
Our application fee is $20.00 per person 18 (Eighteen) years and older. Applications take 3-5 business days to process. All information on application will be verified.
Credit Score
Credit score requirements vary depending on property. Please contact our leasing office for more details. If you do not have the minimum credit score you must find a Co-Signer that meets this requirement.
We charge a one time non-refundable fee as follows:1 Pet- $300.00 and 2 Pet’s $400.00. In addition there will be a monthly rent charge per pet depending on size of pet – range $25-$100/month. It will be your responsibility to provide all pertinent pet information as part of your online application.
Security Deposits
The security deposits are generally the same as 1 (One) months rent. This is subject to change. All rentals require the Security Deposit to be paid in full before signing a lease. No exceptions.
Renter's Insurance
You are required to carry a renters insurance policy for the duration of your stay in a home. Please bring this policy to your lease signing.